New Year – New Strategy for Success
Strategic planning comes in many forms, and there are different methodologies to create a successful plan to guide companies to achieve their goals.
While many companies have some type of annual planning process to define goals and budgets, the plans are often more tactical than strategic. Too often, the plans define short-term goals by quarter for the next year.
Strategic Assessment: Why Do It?
A new year, a time for new thinking, and new approaches. While this January feels quite different than most, it is still that time to pause and reflect and define the goals for the year.
Inkjet Reengineering by Collaboration at Toppan Merrill
Many new inkjet production presses have been installed across all sectors of the print industry in the last five years. The overriding reason they are installed is because they print faster at a lower overall cost than toner and offset.
How to Drive Results: Optimism and Positivity
When your leadership team demonstrates optimism and positivity on a regular basis it lays the foundation for and reinforces a culture that breeds results. Optimism and positivity are the underlying goals of many corporate cultures.